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Recording in Budapest

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

2nd time back to Budapest this year. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

Charming, pleasant and reasonably affordable.

I was now on a mission to record my next album in 3 days.

2 hours of practice each morning and 3 hours of recording in the afternoon,

Thankfully I got a decent hotel-apart.

Nice place, convenient and peaceful quarter in the heart of the city.

Since this trip was only for recording, I barely visited the city. I'll be back in Budapest again next year for a new festival I just founded with my manager here last week, we are calling it Piano Concerto Festival.

So for those of you who would like to see more photos of Budapest, see you then!

The feeling of walking through that corridor before every session. Creepy..

I was never a big fan of recording. It minimalizes the artist, every slightest movement could easily be amplified in the studio. Grinding your teeth, scratching your hands - even just putting your shoes on the pedals - you can hear absolutely everything.

Worse part is if you have a producer who's the big boss, and decides everything. When to play, when to rest, when to breathe. Darn...

I find the most tedious part turning the scores. Imagine having to record the Liszt Sonata and flipping through 42 pages.

This was the moment I told myself never again to the photocopier. I'll get myself an iPad!

In all 3 days we recorded:

In the meantime my newly bought Steinway D just arrived in a huge box. Fortunately Julie was already back to deal with it. Happiest day of the year! Feels like Christmas came early :)

Some photos of the food I had during these 3 days. Budapest is famous for its cuisine. If you are looking for a place to visit next summer, I highly recommend this city. There are literally 100s of Bars out there, the night life here is brilliant!

Yep and guess what, I got invited to watch a concert at the Liszt Academy!

What a beautiful hall!

And what a way to end this tour!

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