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Post Concert - Telemag Reunion

November 23, 2017

Salle comble pour le concert du talentueux pianiste Congyu Wang à la Cité des Arts...  Chopin, Gerswhin, Debussy ou encore Ravel........

Le Journal de l'île de la Réunion

November 08, 2017

CONCERT. À 25 ans, Congyu Wang compte parmi les pianistes de renommée internationale. Originaire de Singapour, installé depuis peu à La Réunion, il a dû enjamber plusieurs embûches avant de trouver le succès. Rencontre.........

Article - Telemag Reunion

October 31, 2017


France Musique Broadcast with Philippe Cassard

September 08, 2017


Mouvement perpétuel, FP 14

  • N° 1, Assez modéré

2 ème Novelette en si bémol Mineur, FP 47

Improvisation pour piano

  • N°1 en si Mineur

  • N°9 en ré Majeur

  • N°13 en la Mineur

Congyu Wang, Piano
KNS Classical

l'église de la délivrance

October 25, 2016

CLASSIQUE. Restaurée à merveille, l'église dionysienne de la Délivrance méritait bien un concert pour en décupler la beauté. À l'initiative de Yann Vallé et de son association Nakiyava, qui ont créé, notamment, le festival Opus Pocus, et avec l'appui de la DAC-OI plus le concours du Conservatoire régional, deux soirées sont orchestrées entre samedi et dimanche pour célébrer la diversité des styles, des époques et des origines.....


December 30, 2015




MUSIQUE – Congyu Wang, pianiste de charme

December 21, 2015

[Congyu Wang] Jeune soliste virtuose, récitaliste aguerri, spécialiste de la musique de chambre ; Congyu Wang a plusieurs cordes à son piano. Il a commencé à pratiquer son instrument dès l’âge de trois ans, fait ses études à l’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris  et à la Schola Cantorum avant de se distinguer dans de nombreuses compétitions internationales, raflant les grands prix de Berlin, Paris et Bordeaux pour ne citer qu’eux. En 2013, il lui est conféré le titre de Young Steinway Artist par son mentor, Adam Gyorgy. Adepte de Francis Poulenc, un compositeur français du 20e siècle, il reprend certains de ses travaux pour son dernier album, « Charme »......

CD Review on Classical.Net

August 09, 2016

Pascal Rogé has long been prominent as an interpreter of French music, so I am assuming it is appropriate to compare his manner and style of playing to that of Congyu Wang. Their repertoire here overlaps. They both play the Movements perpétuelles and the Novelettes. Rogé plays only some of the Improvisations; Congyu Wang plays them all and, as far as I can tell, he offers the only recording of all fifteen of these on a single disc. Each of these pianists offers other short works in addition. All the pieces on Wang's CD are miniatures, most of them less than two minutes in duration. (Rogé's opening piece runs twenty-three minutes.) Among the other unique pieces, I find Congju Wang's final selection, Les Chemins de l'amour, exceptionally beautiful.

Keyboard Warrior

December 20, 2015

Pianist Wang Congyu on what it means to be a young classical musician in today’s world

He also took the opportunity to talk about his new album, Charme, a collection of pieces by French composer Francis Poulenc

SINGAPORE — Last month, local musician Wang Congyu performed a concert in Singapore, the last stop in his international tour. But more than just performing a concert, the classical pianist also took the opportunity to talk about his new album, Charme, a collection of pieces by French composer Francis Poulenc.....

An Interview with Young Steinway Artist, Congyu Wang, at the launch of his new CD Release, Charme

November 15, 2015

On 13 Nov 2015 1pm, at the Steinway Spirio Lounge in Palais Renaissance, Orchard, invited guests were present to witness Congyu Wang, a young and talented Singaporean pianist, share his new CD Release titled, Charme. Congyu, who is also a Young Steinway Artist, performed selected pieces on a Steinway Spirio, the world's finest high resolution player piano. ThePiano.SG conducted an interview with Congyu, and we are excited to share with you our exclusive interview content!.....

Paris-trained pianist Wang Congyu affected by attacks but still turns in charming recital

November 15, 2015

SINGAPORE - It was with a heavy heart that young Singaporean pianist Wang Congyu, who spent the best years of his musical education in Paris, began his recital of the music of French composer Francis Poulenc (1899-1963). A minute of silence was observed in memory of victims of Friday evening's terror attacks in Paris. With the audience at Alliance Francaise on Sunday still standing, he performed Arioso, Alfred Cortot's transcription of the slow movement from J.S. Bach's Keyboard Concerto (BWV.1056)......


November 11, 2015

本地年轻钢琴演奏家王聪瑀留学法国,与法国音乐结下不解之缘,他今年推出首张独奏专辑,诠释法国作曲家弗朗西斯·普朗克(Francis Poulenc)的钢琴作品。


CD Review by Straits Times Singapore

November 10, 2015

The piano music of Frenchman Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) comes from a bygone era, filled with the song-like charm of the Belle Epoque and influenced by popular trends of the day in Gay Paree. His persona was both rascal and saint, displaying seemingly contradictory facets of his life: a bon vivant with a deep inner spirituality informed by his Roman Catholic faith.....

Performance by a piano prodigy

October 18, 2015

Young Steinway Artist Congyu Wang will give a Bangkok debut performance at Siam Ratchada Auditorium on Nov 1 at 7pm.

​He will perform Poulenc's Mouvement Perpetual, three novelettes, three intermezzos and 15 improvisations for piano, including Melancholie and Les Chemins de l'amours, Debussy's Arabesque and La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin and Ravel's Ondine from Gaspard de la Nuit....

2014 艺术新星青春雄起

December 30, 2013

2013年 “施坦威青年音乐家”得主王聪瑀,不甘心只成为一名钢琴演奏家,而立志要成为伟大的钢琴家,伟大的人。



July 13, 2013

21岁的我国青年钢琴家王聪瑀,获得2013年施坦威青年音乐家的荣街。在法国留学期间,他曾在街头卖艺,连钢琴都买不起。他15岁去巴黎高等音乐师范学院求学的过程也极富戏剧性,似乎有 “离家出走” 的意味。2010年苏邦国际青少年钢琴比赛中,王聪瑀获第六名,这导致评审 Francols Weigel 怒而辞职,对他只得如此低名次表示抗议!王聪瑀已学成归国,正尽他的国民义务:服兵役............

Ardous trek scaling musical heights

April 18, 2013

Every teenager goes through a rebellious phase, but local pianist Wang Congyu took this to a whole new level when he ran away from home and flew to Paris to enrol in a prestigious music school. All without speaking a word of French or having much money on him after using up his savings for the plane ticket.

Wang, then 16, had snagged a scholarship to the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, but his parents objected to him accepting it because they felt he was too young to go alone to France.....

Singapore pianist gets Steinway recognition

April 16, 2013

When classical pianist Wang Congyu scored a scholarship to a prestigious conservatory of music in France, he knew he could not pass up on the opportunity.

His parents, however, were not as thrilled. They worried that their second child, then 16, would have a hard time living alone abroad at such a young age.

And, like many Singaporean parents, they did not view the arts as a sustainable career choice, said Wang, now 21, dur-ing an interview at the Steinway Gallery Singapore at Palais Ren-naisance yesterday....

Wang Congyu: le talent, la persévérance et la foi

October 07, 2012

La vie de Wang Congyu, Singapourien de naissance, pianiste formé à Paris, est une partition faite de quelques déboires, beaucoup d’espoir et de nombreuses victoires.

À 17 ans, contre la volonté de ses parents, Congyu décide de poursuivre des études de musique à Paris. Initié au piano des l’âge de 3 ans, il brûle alors d’une incandescente passion pour cet instrument, voue quasiment un culte à l’école française élevée à l’universalité et veut devenir concertiste....

Concert at Château de La Verrerie

March 27, 2012

Il n’a que vingt ans, et dix-sept ans d’étude du piano derrière lui. Il a ouvert samedi de façon magistrale les 13e Rencontres musicales de La Verrerie. 

Congyu Wang a fait montre de façon lumineuse de son immense talent de pianisite, faisant vivre des moments extraordinaires à l’auditoire. Sa maitrise de l’instrument est impressionnante. Il est vrai que le jeune pianiste singapourien a été....

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